Saturday, October 5, 2013

Purple Carrots | For A Healthier Diet

Hey, You Gotta Check Out My Latest Recovery About Purple Carrots!

The History of Purple Carrots 

Purple Carrots Max With Kristie
Did you know that the original carrot was PURPLE and NOT orange.  Before the seventh century they were ALL purple or red.  Orange Carrots are actually a mutation of the purple carrot.  The dutch cultivated orange carrots in the late 16th century.


Purple carrots date back to 2,000 B.C. They are specially bred to have a rich vibrant color. They have a sweeter taste than regular orange carrots and make a colorful addition to any plate. Purple carrots aren't just a colorful addition to your plate; they are loaded with beneficial antioxidants and nutrients. Often, you can find them at farmer's markets or on special order from your local grocer.

Read more:

Purple Carrots, The Health Benefits

Purple carrots have all the tasty benefits of their orange counterparts, and then some.

Some people even all it a wonder food. . .  Helping the body to fight:

  1. Cancer
  2. Heart Disease
  3. Diabetes
  4. Obesity

To name a few. . . .

I watched a video on YouTube where a couple claimed that drink purple carrot juice helped cure them from cancer.

 Why Didn’t Bugs Bunny Tell Us About Purple Carrots? 

He didn't know any better-- carrots had gone orange long before he came along.

The juice of purple carrots is high in antioxidants (similar to blueberries). Studies have found that these blue and purple pigments can improve memory, enhance vision, protect against heart attacks, act as anti-inflammatories, and even help control weight. 

Antioxidant Properties Of Purple Carrots

Beet and Purple Carrot Juice can be found at health food stores like Trader Joe's and Whole Foods or Weagans.

Purple Carrots Max With Kristie
The purple pigment in these specialty carrots come from an antioxidant flavonoid compound called anthocyanin. Antioxidants fight off free radicals in your body, which can permanently damage cells and cause chronic illness such as cancer, heart disease and high cholesterol. Adding anthocyanin to your diet can help lower your "bad" LDL cholesterol. This powerful antioxidant also protects your nervous system, particularly your brain which is susceptible to oxidative damage.

Read more:

How Do Purple Carrots Taste?

Everything that I have read suggest that they taste the same, some people claim them to be sweeter and crunchier then the orange carrots.

 Carrots (Purple & Orange) Can Help You Maintain Your Sexy

Purple Carrots Max With Kristie
Carrots are even great for outer beauty as they nourish the body’s skin, hair and nails, enhance the quality of a mother’s breast milk, and contain a form of calcium that is more easily absorbed by our bodies.

No Time To Go Searching For Purple Carrots?

Yes, I know the feeling.  I love health and nutrition but the truth is that it is getting harder and header to fix all the nutritious and health foods into your daily diet that you need to stay at optimal health.

That is why the dietary supplement industry is such a huge market today.  But you can't trust all those labels.  Make sure that if you incorporate a supplement into your daily diet that it is a product that you trust and know and under stand how it works.

I recommend a line of supplements by Max International.  

I know the founder, Steven Scott, of this company personally and I have seen for my own eyes what the products can do.

<------ Steven Scott and I at the Max International Conference in Aug 2013.

In my video at the top I told you about a way to get more antioxidants into your body by increasing the body's Glutathione levels, remember?

Well, that product I showed you is called Cellgevity.

It is a remarkable "glutathione enhancer" that is helping thousands of people claim their life back!

Listen to what Dr Oz has to say about glutathione:

Cellgevity can help to boost (more than double) the Glutithione levels in the body.  

I have really enjoyed sharing my knowledge with you about purple carrots and Cellgevity today.  I hope that you learned something and walk away armed with information to make better decision for yourself and your loved ones.

If you didn't get enough I added some more interesting facts about carrots in general, so have at it!!!
And if you want to order Cellgevity so you can start boosting your body's immune system right away, all you have to do is connect with me. . .

It's easy, just pick a way:
G-VOICE: 571-989-1188

More Carrot Facts

Fun Carrot Facts

It is actually possible to turn your skin a shade of orange by massively over consuming orange carrots.
Orange carrots get their bright orange color from beta-carotene.  Beta-carotene metabolizes in the human gut from bile salts into Vitamin A.
The origins of the cultivated carrot is rooted in the purple carrot in the region around modern day Afghanistan.
When cultivation of the garden style orange carrot lapses for a few generations, the carrots revert back to their ancestral carrot types, which are very different from the current garden variety.
In ancient times, the root part of the carrot plant that we eat today was not typically used.  The carrot plant however was highly valued due to the medicinal value of its seeds and leaves.   For instance, Mithridates VI,
King of Pontius (around 100BC) had a recipe for counteracting certain poisons with the principle ingredient being carrot seeds.  It has since been proven that this concoction actually works.
The Romans believed carrots and their seeds were aphrodisiacs.  As such, carrots were a common plant found in Roman gardens.  After the fall of Rome however, carrot cultivation in Europe more or less stopped until around the 10th century when Arabs reintroduced them to Europe.  
 British gunners in WWII were able to locate and shoot down German planes at night due to the invention of radar, which the Germans knew nothing about.  To cover up the invention and extreme effectiveness of radar, the British spread about an urban legend that said that they massively increased the night vision of their pilots by having them consume large amounts of carrots.  This lie not only convinced the Germans, but also had a bonus effect of causing many British people to start planting their own vegetable gardens, including planting carrots.  This urban legend has persisted even to this day.  
Credit to: 

Search Terms: Purple Carrots, Purple Carrot Health Benefits, Are Purple Carrots Good For You, anthocyanin

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